Implicit Attitudes

Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for George W. Bush compared to Abraham Lincoln.

each one takes a few minutes. Pick one and post your results. It’ll be like a sleep over party! OMG I’ll make popcorns and get the light bright.

Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for Straight People compared to Gay People.

Oh noes!

You have completed the Fat People-Thin People IAT.

The line immediately below summarizes the results of your task performance.
                          <b>Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.

thats ok, my friend brad is gay, and he prefers straight guys lol

Gay people would be okay if they didn’t make their sexuality into a 5 cent dog and pony show. fjdka;fjsk;jf;dsajkfd;jkfja;sdfsda

Okay so I guess I didn’t need the test to tell me that.

come on people!

Your data suggest a moderate association of European American with Harmless Objects and African American with Weapons compared to African American with Harmless Objects and European American with Weapons.

this is more work than what it’s worth.