IMPORTANT: IP addresses...

Is there anyway to determine precisely where someone is located from an aim window? Someone who stole over a grand from me is occaisionally on aim… anything?

sprocketbash411: heh…
sprocketbash411: you don’t remember me probably…
sprocketbash411: but
dreamcarimports: christian
sprocketbash411: :wink:
sprocketbash411: nice
sprocketbash411: heh
sprocketbash411: you have a good memory
dreamcarimports: yes
dreamcarimports: you ever make those oil pans?
sprocketbash411: do you remember that you owe me 1000 dollars…
sprocketbash411: yes
sprocketbash411: i made one pan
sprocketbash411: for my car.
dreamcarimports: cool
sprocketbash411: no comment on the money though…?
dreamcarimports: until I can do anything with ebay…I have almost no way to generate income right now
dreamcarimports: they took down my R34…saying it violates policy…
dreamcarimports: and it has DOT sticker all over it…
dreamcarimports: had 1 day to go
sprocketbash411: well…
dreamcarimports: was up over $50k…
sprocketbash411: at this point
dreamcarimports: coulda had $$$ i guess
sprocketbash411: i am doubtful that i will ever get my money…
sprocketbash411: but
sprocketbash411: i dunno.
sprocketbash411: it’s just depressing…
dreamcarimports: i know what you mean
dreamcarimports: I had over $100k in losses this year
dreamcarimports: and about $25k+ last…
dreamcarimports: from AZ240 members…
dreamcarimports: employees…
dreamcarimports: ex customers…
dreamcarimports: etc…
dreamcarimports: clips, engines, trannies, parts, all stolen
dreamcarimports: cars vandalized…
sprocketbash411: well… i had 1000+ stolen from me…
dreamcarimports: shop door busted through…
sprocketbash411: by you…
sprocketbash411: so.
sprocketbash411: it’s hard to feel much pity…
dreamcarimports: yeah, it’s hard for me to feel pity too when I’ve been robbed by everyone as well…
dreamcarimports: but, what can I say?
*** “dreamcarimports” signed off at Wed Dec 28 16:18:15 2005.

ouch, you both got pwned it looks like

send him an email that you know he will reply back… how did you send him the 1000?

Not aware of a way to get an IP from AIM without doing a direct file transfer and a packet sniffer. And you could probably use that to get his IP, good luck convincing him to do a picture or file transfer. Unless you have some pictures to send him that he would be willing to look at.

At that point once you get the IP from the packetsniffer, do a tracert to see which ISP he on. Should narrow that down, but I doubt local authorities are going to do much about it as they would have to contact his ISP to get his physical location.

EDIT: E-mail would be the easiest probably.

send him a trojan and be done with it

his email addy:

had wrong email. fixed now…

you could try running ethereal and sending him a message. it worked when i was up at school but maybe that is because we were on the same subnet. could be worth a shot though…

nope and nope. you cannot sniff his ip via aim

that is all

with an ip address u can goto the police/fbi to settle the matter

a friend of mine in HS got my ip somehow from AIM one time… he sent it to me… i could call him and ask him… or ill im him… one sec… ill see if hes on

EDIT not on…

please dont take offence to this… but if you dont know what you are talking about, please dont comment.

i would hate to give out bad infomation to peeps. i will post later on this tongiht.

When you talk to him on AIM… tell him to right click and insert his IP addy :slight_smile: lol

if this is in reference to me… i will figure out how he did it… it was in hs and he was a senior… soo about 4 years ago… he direct connected and then somehow im’ed me his ip…

i will call him

no it was not directed to you…

mostly to all. if you knew what i did in real life you would understand. i am already helping newman in more ways than one :hitit:

im not doubting ur knowledge for all i know he wrote it down when he was at my house from ipconfig screens, but nonetheless it was included in the im he sent me… he tried a couple times and said it wasnt workin then all the sudden sent it… ahhh i sound retarded im sure, ill call him in a minute…

EDIT he has a website, he may have logged the ip from the site and just used process of elimination to find it…

ugh n00bs

DC with him

Run - >cmd - > netstat -> nslookup -> done

netstat will not work

wtf, where did ur post go n00b?

Night Szevyn Racing under a different name FTL.

Wasn’t there a class action lawsuit against this Cameron guy?