Important - need TaxCut 2004 & 2005

I am in need of these 2 previous editions to print my past tax returns. Anyone have them laying around or can point me in the right direction to get them.


i may somwhere… i’ll look tonite


I have the installer for 05 zipped up on my file server at home, but I’m leaving for vacation right after work at 4pm. I’ll be back in town on the 28th so I can either upload it then or burn it to cd for you to pickup.

If you get 04, I’d love a copy. I had no idea the stupid program couldn’t open up previous years returns and lost the installer for 04.

Thanks but this is something I need today. Looks like I will be making PDF copies in the future so I don’t fall victim to the software again. Plus those scam artists charge the same price for old versions as they do for a current version