Turbo Tax 2006

I have 2006 and I am trying to do my taxes…all forms indicate 2006. I have run the updates and still refers to this date? Do I have to purchase turbo tax 2007?

If it just says it on the title I’m geussing you can cross it out and put 2007.

have you ever done taxes before you idiot? you cant just cross something out and write it in yourself on your taxes. :bloated: your taxes arent a grammar paper that gets graded by your english teacher. im not so sure myself, but im pretty sure you have to use the correct year when you file. dont listen to stupid noobs.


+1. I don’t know which is worse, the OP or the replies.

I came back to :picard: again

I forgot we’re supposed to be the kinder and gentler NYSpeed now so…

Yes Marcus, you need to buy a new version each year. Or just go to www.turbotax.com and use the online version, which you also have to pay for.

The government also provides a free website to do it on.

and what would it be…?

Can’t do that n00b.
You at least have to use white out.
This isn’t 4th grade anymore.

I geuss if the IRS is as strict about numbers that mean nothing as you guys are about spelling then he can’t do it.
I’m sorry im 40 yrs old I should know everything about taxes.

Quoted for Irony

Holy fucking :picard:

this is a never ending thread of stupidity.

As are 90% of these posts.

jk <3

^ um alright? im not sure what you were trying to do there, but please try again.

I’m trying to continue the stupidity by bumping this thread once again.

/waits for lock?