In a few minutes, when I'm banned...

That’s pretty low. even low for my standards.

my coment or his?

you drinking more than me tonight?

cant drink since the stroke

:yum: this budweiser and black velvet reserve sure do go good together.

:finger2: :hsdance:

it was a joke. admittedly a bad one. But it was over a year and a half ago. YOu still have your panties in a wad over that? :hsugh:

as i said befor,if u ever have kids u may see what im talking about! Kids>*

beating what dead horse? you’re the one crying about not being a mod and the supposed nazi moderators.

i’m a nazi… i hate everyone

no arguing that point

shut the fuck up you tubby faggot and go crawl back under whatever rock you’ve been hiding under.

go fuck yourself. Its pretty funny you are calling me tubby you fucking queer.

Hell Kettle? Pot calling. :weak:

lol I’ve had your back on issues you dont even know about, but you choose to give me shit on an almost never ending basis.

bare bacK ?

i saw him on Ninja Warrior!

funny you should mention that.

Oh fucking give me a break. Had my back on issues? Wht fucking issues would that be? This out to be good. Oh yeah a better question would be why the fuck would I care.

I only give you shit when you make rediculous remarks that are so off the fucking wall I can’t believe they would even make it into sentance form. That and I give you shit about the moderator things because its a fucking dead issue.

The horse has been beaten, thrown in a hole, and covered in lye, yet you are still whipping the shit out of it.

OK well here, i will give it a 4/10 simply becasue the remarks were there but simply not the depth of the issue was there.