In for interesting suggestions of what punishment Whitey shall endure


put a sock in it. I remember just how excited you were to put the screws to a STOCK C5 back in the day.

oh how far we’ve come mikey

run a single decent time you fagnaught before you start calling people out…

all I see is excuses:

dont think I’ll be bringing mine out till my mods are all done. damn chrome valve stem covers and floor mats are fucking my shit all up.

Why dont you read the original post in this thread, Captain Reading Comprehension. See if there’s anything in there that lays out a timeline for this race to happen. Whitey’s ride is in FL getting worked on, I’m waiting for parts to come in. Is it really making excuses to wait until the weather is nice/your car is put together before racing?

you’ve been talking smack since you got your POS, and backed down from sonny how many times? oh my vagine hurts…gtfo…run it or stop running your mouth! or are we waiting for 2035 for your 2 pedal hunk of metal to actually get it’s ‘mods’ on?

haha… i do have my daily driver today… it’s a racecaR on my commute home :kekegay:

OH MY VAGINA HURTS? I’m 400 miles away and I dont feel like driving to Pittsburgh to race your BMW equates to “my vagina hurts”… He talked just as much shit, he could have drove down to OC to race as well.

If Sonny wants to throw down while I’m still stock, I’d be happy to oblige him. If there’s anyone on this site that should NOT have a rep for backing out of races, threats to beat me up, etc., it’s yours truly.

Don’t be jealous cupcake, you’ll have your shot at me as well.

400 miles now, but how long were you in PGH area? stop with more of your excuse crap and until you race and (maybe) beat sonny, don’t bark up my tree, I’d rather not waste my gas

I got up here in October, it’s now early April. What is there about the weather in Pittsburgh during that time span that MAY have an impact on people racing their cars? The first time I even had the Vette out on PA roads (minus a 10 minute ride a month back when we had that 70 degree weather) was Saturday.

Half the shit talking is just joking amongst friends. The only person I REALLY want to wipe the floor with is that turbob16 or whatever his name is. You’re quickly rising to #2 on that list though.

That dbag goes through cars quicker than a credit card in your mom’s ass crack.


(too bad his car’s aren’t that fast :rofl: )



lol what happened to that other kid you were supposed to race? you made a whole thread about it???

turbob16 and Kilmer420. I have no idea where they were. The kid with the Evo wanted a piece too but he was another no show.


but i thought the kid with the delsol would race anywhere at anytime? :confused:



He will, lol. Still fucking broke. I’ll get him on the road someday cause I want to meet Darkstar because we can make a shrine to John Shep together.

fixed :smiley:

All I said was good luck. I am interested to see how a 1/4 mile will pan out.

the white one’s best trap was a twathair faster than my fastest. Nothing that 150hp of nitrous won’t fix.