In-ground pools

Anyone have any experience with putting these in? I found this site: where it says you can save about $10K by doing some of the install yourself. From the looks of it, it’s wouldn’t be too bad to do yourself. :dunno:

Well my dad put ours in, its held up for 20 some years now, and hes a unemployeed, drunk, so if he can do it im sure anyone can.

or in the words of goldmember

My fa-zha put ours in, its held up for 20 some years, and hes an unemployeed, drunk, if he can do it im sure anyone can.

i have 2 complete above ground 4’ x 15 i think. Free to a good home. not bad for a temporary pool :slight_smile:

Don’t worry i didnt pee in the pool :kekegay:
parents decided to get 2 pools incase one busted, don’t ask there :nuts: sometimes

Cut 'em and duct tape 'em back into one big 'un.


If you even mention this to my wife I’m taking you down! j/k She’s been looking into this stuff the past week or so. I’m sure she has some more websites you can check out, I’ll ask her.

I think I killed the idea though. Just too much $. The pool (~$23K), concrete work, have to build a wall cause the yard slopes, replant the yard from trucks, a fence, chemical cost, homeowner’s, reassessment, etc. But in my ambition to kill this, I agreed to build a walk-in closet that goes into the attic. Doh!

23K??? Damn that’s a lot of cash for a pool. :eek4:

Cant beat this deal for $350 @ WallyWorld…

my family had attempted to do an in-ground pool a few years back and westmoreland pool quoted us “around $25k.”

if you dig it out yourself its alot cheaper!!! thats the only think i know, my buddy dug out a pool for his grandma and saved like 10k for her

get to work, pussy.


23k goes pretty fast when it comes to in-grounds. My aunt and uncle have over 40K into theirs :dunno:

40k for a pool is just crazy.

There isn’t much to a pool at all. They only take a few hours of excavation. Excavators usually charge around 60/hr. Then the walls are just bolt together metal pieces. The liners aren’t that much. The floor under the liner is just a concrete of some type. There is some pvc pipe and a filter.

My parents had a 36x18 pool put in in the late 80s and it was only like 8-9k. I didn’t know the price of pools had gone up that high.

taco - sounds like you’re talkin about an above ground pool… probably a good bit less than an in-ground.

I can believe 40K by the time you do everything. A heater is around $2500, and covers are expensive too.

that’s about it really. Check out

i seen this one house. it had a never ending edge, just kept flowing like it dropped off the earth[waterfall kinda] but it just had a ledge the recirculated. that pool was close to 100gs (fiberglass pools)

Got a quote from Next Generation Pools (Uniontown) for 23K + concrete + water. Similar pool (14’ x 30’) online 9.5K + 500 for install + shipping (will UPS ship a pool??) in your excavated hole. Then you still have to get someone to do the concrete. Heaters are about 2.5K and a cover is about 2K. Cost + Increased assessment + home owners increase = JEFF says NO!!! :crying: :crying: :crying:

since when is a pool cover 2k? New solar cover this year ran 300 and the tarp for winter use was about 300 also. you dont need a heater my pool is about 86 right now and its a 20’ X 40’ inground. its a 35000 gallon pool. new liner for the thing a few years ago ran like 1500 - 2000.

just buy one of those fiberglass insert pools…dig yourself a hole drop it in…couple k if u ask me there’s always a HUGE one out towards delmont at that rv dealer