In Soviet Russia...

[x-post, but still funny]

quick…to the ROFLCOPTER!!!

but it really could laugh at me.

why does this thread want to make me play command and conquer?

Are You hitting on me?

you would not be laughing if a Mi-23 was heading your way. You’d be looking for a deep fucking hole to crawl into.

err… I would laugh.





Soviet Russia.

but otherwise, Not the point of the thread.

Then again… the pic specifies that the “roflcopter” LAUGHS AT YOU

thereby reenforcing Your statment Violator.

so, upon further review, :tup:

You mean this really isn’t Soviet Russia? Then the “rofflecopter” DOESN’T laugh at me. :frowning:

While I never stated or implied that this stamps foot was Soviet Russia, the ROFLCopter definately laughs at j00.


damn i told my grandparents not to take out the chopper…


Fuckin love that game, brotherhood of nod for the win

Damn you people now I want to fire up my DOS machine and load up C&C. Anyone down for a game via serial? :lol:

Laser towers are the shit :tup:


Well why don’t you SAY WHAT YOU MEAN and MEAN WHAT YOU SAY!

I thought You liked it when I’m “coy”

you know, last i checked

ROFLCPTR is still available for a custom NY plate

Holy 4 years ago…

That is a good one though.

I would like to visit the local Police stations with one of those and wish them all a Merry Christmas.

In Soviet Russia…ROFL copter flies you.