RTS games?

Or anything good/current/modern in general really.

I enjoy playing C&C and such, but in all the newer versions theres no way to turn off the god damned superweapons which i fucking hate.

Ever since like fucking Dune 2.
I fucking hate them.
Except the Atreides… the Fremen were okay as a superweapon… Since they didn’t blow up half your base in one second.
However they did have those fucking ornthipopers or whatever.

mhmm but whatever.

So what games do you guys play?

I’m not looking for CS or anything.
I want current!
As in, a year or two old.

I can’t seem to find any good games lately.
Fallout 3 was really cool, but you can only play through that so many times.

and im talking about PC if you didn’t know.
and I don’t care if it’s an RTS… I just enjoy RTS the most.

WoW is dull after you’re endgame and have nothing left to do but roll new chars, and EVE has been pretty dull for some time now…
Sooo time for new stuff.

I couldn’t hold interest in EVE either… I lasted a week. WoW is ok if you have friends that you play with… then the game keeps going…somewhat.

I used to play Age of Empires… 2 was my favorite. Not sure of any good recent RTS’s atm…

Supreme commander was alot of fun, and maybe check out Mount and Blade on steam, its a RTS/RPG, kinda like fall out 3 but set in medievil times.

I’m addicated to company of heroes.

World in conflict is supposed to be awesome. I haven’t had a chance to start it since I’ve been so freakin busy lately!

I agree with supreme commander being a pretty sweet RTS

Indeed. Same here. Played a little and from what I’ve seen… pretty cool.

I miss the original C&C and dialing into other people to play it against them.

age of empires III is amazing, get a few friends and have a lan party game is atleast 3 hours of fun or play against the computer i must say i was impressed with aoe III, and supreme commander is a sweet game too i haven’t played that game in a while…