in the doghouse

seen,be nice christmas is coming!

Only In the Modern Day, where Wife and Husband Can argue in the same house and on 2 different computers :rofl:

Could be worse, text messaging each other :hsdance: :itr41:

temp does’nt effect my car that much. it always ran a 16.9 17.0 no matter what the temp was.what effects it more than anything is not being able to grab second cosistantly.

u have a shorty shifter?

You said “about a month ago”… LIES… all LIES !!!

ask the wife! :hsdance:

Smokey and the bandit is on AMC :kekegay:

useless info :itr41:

Wifey is working… someone has to pay for his toys… :bigok:

I think he does…

yes, but it’s my shift linkages that are screwed up not the short shifter.

:itr41: :bigthumb:

fwd = runny poop :boink :moon:

read the bottum of the skeen during the movie! :idb:

clean your ears or learn to understand me when i mumble.


Its not the DVD on AMC, But i know what your talking about.

You only mumble when you LIE…

so scary that I knew that… hahahaha

You should know… :bj: