Incase you haven't lost hope in humanity

back story: 21 year old enjoying spring break on South Padre Island with friends from school (guys and girls). One of the girls he was with was getting harassed by a group of older guys (in their 30’s) and when the 21 year old tried to intervene, he was jumped by at least 5 guys… he was stabbed over 10 times and beaten to almost death. It’s sicking that people just sat there and watched…

The one guy who was caught is being charged with aggravated assault…so… I guess stabbing someone isn’t attempted murder?
I PRAY that everyone involved in this is locked up for the rest of their pitiful life.

MORE GUNS!.. what was this over?

i was hoping from the thread title that this was the opposite kind of thread.

i think we need a thread for people being humans.

NM. thats retarded… sucks.

Shit like this happens daily everywhere. you know how much stuff goes on that you never hear about,

^Yep unfortunately. I was just thinking earlier how humanity is just in the shitter.

that looks like the shittiest time ever to begin with

Thank God it is 2012. :wink:


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn


ehhhh… sucks but a certain percentage of humanity has always been more like animals than human :shrug:

Ass clowns like that should sleep better knowing I’m not a judge. Screw the “hangin judge” rep, I’d be known as the “shootin judge”. Verdict: Guilty, Sentence: Blam. Next case please.

sick to my stomach


this world gets sicker and more fucked up every single day its disgusting

No, it’s always been this fucked, we just started video taping it more.

True, now that everyone has a camera in their pocket, its seen more.

I also think that when ppl see someone recording they go the extra mile. Not in this case but in others


seen here in this video is not human, you see animals, sick animals… in this world, sick animals are euthanized.

As wrong as it is to say, I believe some of the people involved in the attacks should be put down, they will NEVER be a productive member of society and really don’t deserve to breath anymore