inexpensive projector

ViewSonic PJ402D

BenQ MP610


i am leaning towards the viewsonic because of the longer warrenty.
it’s just going to be in the basement for hockey games and playing xbox (and wii when that shit comes out).

do u know how much the replacement bulbs are for thoes models?

you get what you pay for w/ projectors… personally, I wouldn’t get EITHER but if you had to chose between those two, I’d go with the BenQ - it’s likely to be more color-accurate and TV oriented vs the Viewsonic which is more presentation oriented.

If you can spend $600, spend a little more and get an InFocus, something like the IN72 which is 16:9 native, or a used 4805 - the stuff you are looking at on newegg are meant for powerpoint, not games/movies/tv (duh it’s a COMPUTER store)

im pretty sure last time i opened my xbox it was a computer :wink:

i saw the 4805, and it seems like a good bang for the buck projector.

Have you ever played video games on a projector? I don’t know if it is just me and my brother, but we seriously got sick to our stomache watching one or the other play on a 9’ projector.

arent you suppsed to sit 3-4x the horizonal width away?

something tells me you were sitting a little closer than 40’ away :slight_smile:

Ahh, that might of been the problem. Yeah we were probably sitting about 8’ away at the most…

infocus has the 4805 referb’d on their site for 699
maybe i will just go that way

I like infocus.

play at cyberjocks… you’ll get an idea of what a decent setup from 8’ away feels like…

you’ll like the 4805, I used to sell this kinda stuff, it amazed me what you could get for (at the time) under $1500 and how it rivaled all but the over-8k stuff…

yeah, i found it for like 630. it seems like you’re getting a lot for your dollar with that projector.

thanks for the help guys

Let me know how you like it, noise levels, etc. I still want to get one for movies and games, but I learned a couple of lessons about projectors when I brought one home from work. The two biggest problems were fan noise, which was very noticible when watching movies and you were in a quieter part, and the contrast ratio which meant that what was supposed to be black was actually kind of dark grey.

EDIT: looked at the specs, it doesn’t look like it would meet my needs. Contrast ratio is pretty good, but it isn’t bright enough for my application, plus I want at least 1024x768 native resolution.

i have an old projector that we got for free, its cool for watchin movies and playing games. picture isnt great, def. have to have complete darkness to get a good picture, but watchin movies on my wall is fuckin sweet.

I would DEFF get an infoucs. I had one and I loved it it was perfect for watching movies and playing games. Just be prepaired to spend close to $300 to replace the bulb when it goes. Also, you should look into getting a ceiling mount if your thinking of keeping it anywhere semi permanent and not moving it around a lot. GL

where’d you get it? how much you pay?

I had that same projector til today… I got it 7 or 8 months ago for 600 and just sold it today for 800 :tup: