Infiniti thought of everything

[In before irate feminism]

So the G35s (among other models) come with “emergency medi-packs”.

Emergency Feminine Napkin?

It’s a good idea on infiniti’s part… but since when did it become a crucial part of a first aid kit?

Yes, they have gauze & bandages in there already.

RubiTuesday - xpost from SOMEONELSE on a diff. forum :gasp:

oh, not too forget, insect repellant?



How did you come across this?

Woo hoo! lol

Why, did somebody get a new car? :slight_smile:

That pisses me off. Infinity shouldnt be encouraging female drivers.


i stole Your project car.



No dude!! Its so the bitch in back doesnt get any of her crimson tide on your seats.

in… the back… of the… 2 seater?

G35 coupes aren’t 2 seaters. I’ve been in the back seat of one…

true… my mistake.

You’re dumber than I thought then… :wink:

:hitit: I still <3 you though

didnt the Xterras have those when they 1st came out

true story