Initial d movie?

yes! im sure most ouf u know this by now, but i just found out that initial d the anime, has transformed into a real to life movie
check out the link.

too bad it’s hong kong and not Japan that’s doing it… the HK film makers like th throw in stupid ass romantic plots that ruin most good HK movies… I would have like to have seen the writer/director of Cute Honey live action movie do this film. Hell even the Koreans would do a better job… dissapointment abounds… HK should stick to kung fu movies… they rock!.

I dunno what you are saying. But there is already a romantic plot in Initial D to begin with. I think they will do a good job.

What even happens in Initial D after 3rd Series? that’s where I stopped

Well, after ID3 is ID4, for a brief summary, go here:


:lol: i agree. Hey Jermaine how you been dude?

Whats up andrew, im good.
Im over here in vietnam. I found out about this movie through a music video that was playing one night that i quess will be on the initial d soundtrack. there were many clips from scenes in the movie. They were showing clips of takumi racing the r32 of the night kids. Natually the story will be altered abit, but it still should be alright to watch. There was one scene i saw with fc3s,ae86, an r32 racing. The skyline was also drifting (i thought that wasnt the his style?) lol anyways i just thought i’d share that with u all

Yeah, here in Shanghai they are starting to promote this movie pretty good.
Jay Chow is the Takumi character… :roll:
This will be the asian Fast and Furious. :lol:

it hinks techinically the fast and the furois isi trasnformaed intoa asian stlyess inistial D… i riead a plot summary on tehj net ansd it say dat he go to jpapan to live with his unkle. andn he has bighokly moly dorifto battle with supar star mangn name deh “DRIFT KING” … WOOT! HOOT

I’ve seen the movie and I’ve even retranslated the subs… the original subs were horrid to the point of incomprehensable… even so the movie is prety lackig in actual substance, Bunta is a drunk and apparently violent with takumi, not at all a like able character until possibly the very end. Itsuke has gone from being a lovable bufoon to a spoiled brat who’s father owns the gas station. I was pretty sure the hong kong film industry would screw this series up when they made it live action… they dind’t dissapoint , that’s for sure… I rate this movie somewhere between a college effort and a cheesy B movie.

ive seen it as well. it’s basically the first episode (i think?). it’s got a lot of chinese movie stars… edison is ryosuke and shawn yu is takeshi nakazato or whatever. jay chou as takumi, blows his 4age up and puts in a 20v…

and here’s the torrent… enjoy[].torrent

it’s a summary first season with a bit of season two thrown in and at the very end of the movie it’s the very last part of stage 3 …

the storyline is so lousy as well as the dialogue and acting, it’s only cool to see the cars and that’s it. lol


Ya, what happened to my post?