Innovative Tuning 4th Annual Open House - May 17 3:30-7:30

damn it, I’d be there for sure, but it’s my bro’s bday.

have fun guys. And congrats on your success thus far. :tup:

DAMN! I’ll be outta town. :frowning: Haven’t talked with/hung out with you guys in a while.

:bump: For Free Food

ill stop by and say hi

Might make it out there if Aaron doesn’t need help moving …

Going to try stopping by!

Mike, I pm’d you… parts

Saturday (tomorrow) is the day! :slight_smile: See you all here!

will be there

Bump… if I can make it you’ll know lol

Bump for an OK guy. :lol:


I could go now but I can’t at 3:30.:cry:


Yeah if you don’t get that afternoon nap in you’ll never be awake through dinner and bingo!


We’re definitely on today. Rain or shine it doesn’t matter.

We have tons of room for everyone inside! :slight_smile:


I’m definitely impressed with the shop progress :tup:

I can’t make it later, so I stopped in earlier to say hi.

Thanks for coming everyone. Of all the cars that showed up I think the only stock one got the most attention.

Thanks to my guys for helping set up and a HUGE HUGE thanks to Dan for all his help. It wouldn’t have been possible without him. I owe you one man…probably two :wink:

sorry i didn’t make it i had a stupid wedding to go to.

shit! I was back in Niagara late sat afternoon too. I have to visit this board more often. Looks like a good time…would have loved to check out the new STi.

Stephen Burke says, “Cool car.”

Stephen Burke says, “I’m thirsty.”