Friday May 18th, Cayuga 7PM - 11PM (Prev. May 11th)

There is a few of us going to cayuga on Friday and I’d like to see a few more cars out there for once.

Or AT LEAST some more nissan-supporting spectators!

The reason for the event is that Dustin (Hurricane) is going to attempt to run 12’s on his 100% stock sr with stock t25 on street tires. (And he’s going to do it god dammit)

Hopefully that will happen after a couple of passes and then he’s going to mount up some slicks and shoot for an even better time, maybe mid 12’s!

That will be a sight to see, no?

Cost is $10 to spectate, $20 to run. Car needs to pass a weaksauce safety inspection to run.

Check out for more details on rules, etc.

I want to see some new set-ups out there this friday! We can convoy if you wish, the plan is to bring a support vehicle if there is more than a few cars going so if you need to bring tires, tools, etc. we can accomodate that for you most likely.

Walter, Mark, Theo, Gonad, Max, Dan, Richard… I’m looking at you guys…

See you out there!

Post, PM, E-Mail or Call if you want to meet up.

Not quite ready yet. I had the car outside yesturday ripping around Farmers’ parking lot…feels good but still need to tune it.

Next time.

You have two nights to tune :slight_smile:

Besides, this is a TEST AND TUNE night, that’s what it’s for! Nobody is going to make fun of you if you only run low 12’s dan :slight_smile:

Get those MT ETs yet?

If I don’t see you there, next time for sure. (PS - this is twice you’ve dissapointed me on cayuga days Danno. THIRD STRIKE YOU’RE OUT!)

im in.

let’s see how my clutch holds up :slight_smile:

I highly doubt I’ll be availble. I’ll ask the Prime Minister/Boss/president/etc/etc… if I can go!

I know, but finding time to do it is the hard part.

Also, the car seems to be missing some body panels so even if the motor was ready - the shell isn’t

ps - no, have not bought MT’s yet

That’s because everyone will be too busy making fun of me running 15s. :frowning:

haha gonad

i want to see high 13’s this year. at least. capish?

Damn! When the weather gets nice there are so many conflict stupid short Canuck season.

I’m headed to Montreal for BullRUN launch…should be fun fun fun!

I’ll get to the track to get some numbers on this car one day (June 3 @ TMP)

i was there last friday. silvia and a chris with his ka t where out there. i was in my gf 07 si my clutch is shooooooooooooooooooooot. it slips at around 4-5 grand so. but i may be out there

I agree, every weekend is ram packed with things to do. It’s kind of awesome but sucks when you miss out :-/

Anyways, have fun in Montreal.

sil8t, get your ass out there :slight_smile:

i might come out with you guys ill know by friday afternoon. what kinda time you guys expect from a 340whp nissan. i might crank the boost too.

well after seeing your little weaksauce tires… haha

j/k j/k, realistically though with that kind of power and shite tires you are prob looking around low 13’s if you have decent rubbers you are prob low to mid 12’s

i dont know, just guessing :slight_smile: you should come! give me a call or pm if you wanna meet up.

A whole 2 people… bunch of hard parkers

No one likes a show-off. I hope your tranny breaks for real this time. :run:

if i cna work my clutch in time im going to come out and see what i can do. dan can i get some dyno time plz

info (at)

Niagara boys may show…see if I can beat my sh*ty 14.1 from last week. I think some new plugs will be in oder.

Showing off? I just want to see some Nissans out there and not be all alone like usual :frowning:

And my tranny will probably explode… it doesn’t make as good of a story if their aren’t a bunch of witnesses.

Would be great to see some Niagra support!!! I’ve been hearing some rumblings of good HP coming out of the area this summer.

i’d go but i’m home alone and I have to wait for the hvac guy to come and fix up our heating. :frowning: