insane car collection

not sure if this is a respot or not but yeah… def. worthy of checking out:

I would hate to figure out which car i want to drive everyday…that is a pretty crazy investment

Wow. Lots of awesome, sexy cars in that collection. The '00 Cobra R is one of 300 ever made. Lots of $ in that garage.

I like the color on the Saleen. Pretty sweet collection.

yeah trying to remember what section of the garage a certain car in would be a bitch. What about the keys? he’d have to have them all in organized alphabetical order just to figure out what car he is going to drive.

Insane is a very correct statement. So many sexy cars, some i know we would all die to have in our possession.

no hondas?:frowning:

That guy is my hero.

All he needs is some Old J-tin in there and he would be all set. :slight_smile:

I would like to know how many of those cars have been restored and how many of them are just mint.

Geezus krist! Do u se that garage!? and that floor!? Gorgeous!

looks like a bunch of bad investments to me…
than again i would most likely be in the same boat if 30mill just fell in my lap

Hate to break it to you, but $30 mil would only buy part of that collection.

Amazing collection


and how the hell did he get his hands on a Reventon? i didn’t even know they were out being produced, i thought lamborghini just threw out a handful of prototypes/concepts?

and an F-40 and an F-60…but couldn’t get an F-50? :tdown:

so was your education…stfu.

It’s Ken Lingenfelter’s collection. Pretty badass

Holy shit.

INSANE is an understatement. Badass cars, but the video was awful, was he eating a sandwich while filming, seriously hold the damn thing still.

Here are some stills if you don’t feel like watching the video…

wow just wow

wow that was amazing, much more diverse than you normally see. some horrid 'vette’s in there but what a collection.

I wonder if he gets a multi-car discount on his car insurance.

Only license plate I saw was on the R8, a NY plate. Where does this guy live?

Reventon was gorgeous. So were most of the cars on there.

I LOLed on the inclusion of the GNX, even though it’s a great car in its own right. It just seemed a little outclassed, compared to a fair survey of modern supercars and classics like the GTO and Cobra.