Oh shit I forgot to post it! … Thanks slowcamaro.
I would hit it with Menz IP or SIP with a white LC CCS smart pad if the marks in your paint are light. Follow that with final polish w/ lc ccs blue pad, followed souveran by hand …
Oh shit I forgot to post it! … Thanks slowcamaro.
I would hit it with Menz IP or SIP with a white LC CCS smart pad if the marks in your paint are light. Follow that with final polish w/ lc ccs blue pad, followed souveran by hand …
That’s problem one… Like old terry towels from the bathroom? Those are very hard on paint.
x2 … your just asking to mar the paint!
OPPS ! looks like ill be buying the real deal soon. Also are detail sprays on a semi dirty cars really bad ???
That depends on what you are calling “semi” dirty. The absoulute best qd that I have found is Poor Boys Spray & Wipe. It has more lubrication than a normal qd, and it goes a long way. Just use quality micro-fiber towells, and fold your towell/switch to a new one frequently
i just run my car threw the car wash for $5
Death before Drive-Thru.
That’s all there is to say about that.:bigthumb:
Speaking of quick detailers
Duragloss Aquawax is my new fav after wash/wax spray
Also very fond of Meguiars UQD, and Tropi-Care Detail Spray
Have you tryed Poorsboys S&W … If not … it will become your new fav!!
Instead of starting a new thread, I figured I could ask here about a detail mistake I made last year. I was using my orbital waxer on the roof of my car and I went over the black rubber trim that goes around my sunroof and now it looks like crap (just kinda dull and not as black as it had been). Is there anything I can use on the rubber to bring it back to it’s original look? I tried some “Back to Black” and it didn’t do the trick.
Back to Black wears off very fast, and collects dust like NO other. Peanut Butter will help remove some of the residue, but not really “blacken” the trim back up. Megs Trim Detailer in aerosol works great … but on something like trim, its impossible not to get it on paint.
I have a newer product call Black WOW that is expensive … but it is GREAT stuff. A VERY small amount goes a lonnnnnnnng way and last a long long time. If you ever around my area, id be more than happy to apply some of mine on your car to fix it for you
Where can I get the black WOW stuff?
There you go … Again … Its expensive
Thats actually not too bad of a price if it works.
I agree 100% … but a lot of people dont like to spend money … but a lot of people aren’t into detailing like I am ethier I guess. It is a small bottle (4 oz.) but a pea sized drop goes a long way
I have never been accused of being cheap on my detailing. I don’t drink (in excess), I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, but I do spend a lot of money on my detailing stuff. I don’t do the top of the line stuff, but I do have shelves and shelves of stuff in my garage. I think my neighbors think that I am crazy because I am out washing my car probably twice a week in the summer
Oh man … Im in the same boat (except I smoke) … I spend a TON on detailing supplies … My neighbors (and everyone that knows me) think I am crazy … But my vehicles are always top notch!
People at work are constantly taking jabs at me when it rains or snows or if they see a spot of dirt on the car. They think I am crazy and would just absolutely flip out if my car got dirty. They just don’t understand.
I know exactly what you mean!! … 2.4neon use to say that I would wreck my truck before I hit a puddle in the road and got water spots on it
My friends pick on me, too, when there is water run-off on the road and I slow down to <5 MPH to go through it, and whip out the QD and a MF the next time I stop. I know it was a Jeep GC, but what the hell, I liked it CLEAN.
At my old job I’d wash my car before work on Saturdays or Sundays, and do all the dressings and QD on my break. Some people just don’t understand.
Oh and by the way - jph - the next time you wax, be sure to put down some Armor-All or B2B on the black trim before you wax. That way if you brush over it when applying the wax, it will wipe off and not stain the trim.