inspection question

for one thing, i am my own mechanic, the only thing i dont do myself is putting tires on and getting my car inspected, im not going to pay someone $350 for something i can do at home for less than $50

why do you think i went to a dealership? SO I COULD GET MY FUCKING CAR INSPECTED, not to get it fixed then bitch about the prices

i didnt bitch about the exhaust, all i said is i didnt think the leak was that bad and i figured they would pass it, they did not, and i have no problem with it… the problem have is they said the exhaust HAS to be welded.

i have done a ton of searches and nowhere in the PA inspection laws does it say the exhaust has to be welded on, all it says is there should be no leaks.

how exactly would you know the control arm bushings failed when you have never seen them? the bushings were fine when i replaced them, the dealership wanted to get money out of me, its that simple.

the only reason why it took so long is because i was waiting for parts i dont think a shop charges labor for waiting around until parts come in, i could have done both sides in under an hour… so lets do the math:

parts: $45
labor: $140 (lets just do two hours, just in case)


edit* and about the tires, the car gets about 5 miles put on it a week, the guy was told that, but still continued to try and sell tires, those tires will dry rot before the tread wears down

Why is this such a big deal . The mechanic at a dealership gets paid for what he sells and installs on a car so of course they are going to try to sell you work . You being around cars should have known that and if you thought you where getting the bone up the old tailpipe then maybe you should have taken it to another inspection station to get rechecked out since you didn’t pay anything for the first inspection .

everyone on here made it seem like a big deal, all i wanted to know is if they could charge me twice… even if i had paid for the inspection they would have made me pay again, and i wanted to know if that was some type of pa law where you can get it for free after two weeks, etc.

then everyone comes here bitching bout i should take it somewhere else if im mad at how much they are charging to fix it, im like wtf???

if you knew what the fuck was actually going on you would have never taken the car in with anything “questionable”


like i said in my first post, i knew there was a small exhaust leak, but i thought they wouldnt catch it and it would pass

and like i also said about 3 times now there was nothing wrong with the control arm bushings

im not the common retard who thinks they can work on their car and thinks they are a master mechanic but doesnt know how to do anything

i have just about every tool imaginable to fix anything on any one of my cars and the only thing that i have had done to my cars were getting tires changed because i dont have a tire changer, and i had someone weld my exhaust on because i dont have a welder

so dont be a fucking asshole and imply i dont know what i am doing because nowhere in this thread have i made any type of comment about how i couldnt do the job myself, and nowhere did i even bitch about the prices they wanted to fix my shit, this thread was about them trying to charge me twice for inspection, and i was a little pissed that they found “problems” with my car… just about all of my friends work at different car dealerships i know the shady ass shit they do, and once again im not the common idiot that falls for their lies

edit* i didnt do tint either, chaz did that, and an awesome job, same with the remote start he installed

if they were lying then why did you change out the control arms? why not call them out on it? i have no problem physically showing a customer what exactly fails on their vehicle and why it is unsafe. if work unnecessary work is being done then it needs to be stopped. there’s plenty of actual problems out there and no need to create them

because it would have just been cheaper for me to fix it than to take it somewhere else to get it inspected… not to mention i would be insulting the mechanic who inspected it

i guess i should rephrase myself, i dont really think they outright lied to me and tried to sell me a job that didnt need to be done, but those bushings really did not look bad to me, maybe the mechanic saw something that i did not, but i would not have replaced them

im assuming that it is a common problem for that car and any TINY thing wrong with the bushing would cause it to fail, who knows… i dont really care, its done and over with

i really seem to have bad luck with shops… when i got my snow tires off a few months ago… ohh man was that a huge disaster… i was totally lied to, and after that experience my attitude toward auto shops did a 180



who seriously gives two flying fucks about this? they are a business, they can do whatever the fuck they want. quit your fucking crying over them trying to make money off of your stupid ass. if i was that place i would charge you triple the amount for every inspection just because you are such a whiny bitch.

i would LOVE to see how you would react when you get something done then they tell you they are going to charge you twice for the job

i guarantee that you would get pissed