Inspirational Quote from a Ford Escort

Everything I ever needed to know in life I found in a Buffalo State Parking Lot:
Drive Fast
Take Chances
Resulting in Car Accidents

If you see this and realize that this post is your car, I apologize for making fun of you. Just kidding, you are a tool.

pz say thats an auto 6 banger too…lol

douche bags

thats my car bitch

That’s my dad’s farewell line.

Mom: “Be careful, have a safe drive” etc etc blah blah blah

Dad: (with a Beast Lite in hand, chuckling) “Drive fast, take chances!”


thats my car bitch


Hehe, for some reason I can’t see someone with the good taste implied by your screen name owning this car.

i wouldent even fit in an escort

I’m sure the cops love that.

Tough guy cop - “Son, do you know why I pulled you over?”

Douche bag Escort driver - “Umm, tail light out?”

Hahahaha. I’ve seen this car at BuffState too, and I thought the same thing. That car is such a piece of shit.


pz say thats an auto 6 banger too…lol

douche bags


they make a v6 escort ?


they make a v6 escort ?


not that i know of.

2.5 duratec motor w/ a 5sp is decent. the auto’s are slow as shit though



2.5 duratec motor w/ a 5sp is still a complete fucking dog. the auto’s are even worse, and slow as shit though

