Installed new battery, cars now dead. HELP

Thanks for all the responses guys. Just a heads up it started right after I made the post.

“I checked the power and it’s full”.

Explain what you did here because my money is on the new battery also being dead. If it wasn’t properly LOAD testing the battery that’s your problem. You can’t just hook up a volt meter that draws almost no amps, see 12 volts, and call the battery good. Did you try jump starting it?

does it crank at all. does anything work? lights, dash etc? there is a 100? amp battery fuse in the engine bay that blew on mine back in the day…which would kill everything. looks like this…

So right after I posted this we went back out one more time and it started!
Really weird but yes we tried jumping it…nothing
Also checked that fuse…it was fine
But it starts now (thank God) thanks for the comments guys

Loose battery terminal or a terminal that’s starting to fail I bet. I wouldn’t give it back to your sister until you troubleshoot it a little more, or expect to get a call from her stranded somewhere in the near future.

Exactly…your problem is hardly “solved” at this point…

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And yes, these are great to have…

Check your grounds from the battery to chassis and from chassis to engine. Probably one of the most common problems

Yea I checked those and they were tight…not sure about one getting ready to fail though

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Yup, I had this too and used it. Everything was shinny afterwards

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Yes they are! Although I feel like I need to buy more then one…seem to always be looking for it lol

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Thanks, ill check this

Alot of times Corrosion can build up between the starter and the engine block its self and that will give symptoms of what your talking about but since you just changed the battery I am going to say that’s not this case here. Take a set of jumper cables and just hook bolth ends on the ground off the battery and then take one side and put it on the engine and one side on the body. See if that helps. If it does pull the factory grounds off and clean the ends to bare metal and use some dieelectric grease to help promote corrosion resistance. If you know how to operate a volt meter that would be very easy to narrow this down.

Corroded wire from battery to starter? That can cause intermittent starting issues.