Integra girl, you say?

Lol. +1

No, Im being serious

oh… wow. god bless you man

Ive seen alot worse, believe me. Ill bet she cleans up nicely.

In the pics shes got no makeup or stuff like that on (which I like because I prefer a natural look).

On the next episode of my big redneck wedding…

Rofl ^^

I never said Im getting married to anybody at any time.


Paul, you certainly have interesting taste in women!

Lmao paul you are killing us pal


thats a marine sticker


hahaha wow!

someone should tell her left eye to join the conversation with the right eye

dude… id rather stick my dick in the cars tailpipe than hers.

Yeah, so Ive been told

i shat my pants in sheer fear when i saw this one :ohnoes

looks like she wants to kill my family :ohnoes

Damn .She look’s like 40 mile’s of rough road.

Were you “the” guy that went after the girls in the special classes in high school?