Integra girl, you say?

LOL, it turns out that the husband or whatever of the girl in the first pics is a member of Supraforums…he’s in the OT section FLIPPING OUT about all of this, HA!

And as far as the lazy eye goes, I had it when I was a kid pretty bad…I had it fixed when I was in middle school but it still occasionally comes back, mostly when I’m tired or drunk.

:lol:lol link or do you need to be a memeber?

You need to be a member with a specific amount of posts to see the OT section, I think. I know you have to be a member at least. He’s trying to get EVERYONE banned that made fun of her.

Trying to get people banned on supraforums or on here? Also is anyone on here a member that can see the OT section? haha

Banning would be on SF…

Let me see if I can paste anything over…

I am reporting every member of that thread as I type. I PM’d Dusty because you people (except slightly for 1 member) didn’t have the common decency to alert me to this thread when you know I am a well known member. I care because my fiance is being harrassed and because those pictures could get back to her. If that happens there will be World War III and World War IV combined

Is is just me, or do quite a few members on this forum lack common decency? You know, like letting someone know when their fiance is being harrassed? Especially when that someone is a well known member of the community. Some of you people make me sick!!!

You bet your ass I’m furious right now. You people make me SICK!!! And yes, I am entitled to my rant since you fuckers brought it. I just wanted to let everyone know just how fucked up some of you are!!!

You know what, fuck you all (well, not all of you since some of you are still quite cool and I like you), I’m out of here.

Those are some of his better posts…

link please

I would be pissed off too at the world if I had to come home everyday to a ugly ass fiance’ like that.

Combo screen shot the thread. You can get all 25 post from the page in one screen shot if you know how

put a link to this thread on SF :smiley:

Dooooo eeeeettt

PM him a link to this thread lol. Im sure he will love it :lol

Hes just mad that his $1200 camera lens broke when he took those pics…

someone got creative

o my lord!! best thing i have seen all week. ok maybe second best. first was Seans sister nekid.

haha, thats awesome. this needs to get reposted on 4chan

That has to be the best custom made gif I’ve seen in a while!

LOL hell yea it was. :haha
