Interesting Artice on Particle accelerator (end of the world?)

Just did the math and the LHC (new) particle accelerator will be able to have collisions 140x as powerful as the Stanford accelerator. Maybe we are in trouble :ohnoes

We’ve been in trouble since the creation of the LS1.

The LHC accelerator is powered by an LS9 :eek

also, suny has one, we havent blowed up the planet just yet!

What does SUNY’s do, slam beer bottles into one another at the speed of light? :crackup

they play beer pong with arizona state across the continent


I need a partner, who wants to play?

theres something on the history channel about it tongiht


hey were all still here…what a surprise

:crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup excellent find!

if anything was bad to happen, it wouldnt happen right away

If everyone donates 1/7th of your earnings to me I will do one of two things:

A. Stop this from causing the end of the world


B. Ensure you all dont go to hell for being part of it. aka, i’ll put in a good word for ya.

you know how i know theyre not going to cause the end of the world? this thing cost em a heap of cash. theyre planning to use it and make sixtyeleventybillion dollars off it, theyre too greedy to end the world and not make a dime off that damn thing. we’re safe thanks to greed

They have not actually done it yet either. They completed a test in which they sent one particle one way and when they were done they sent another partice in the other direction. Next is when they will be sending particles in both directions at the same time.

From what I have read even if a black hole is created it will be the size of a proton. Of course this is all speculation, who knows what will really happen.

Freeman, is that really you! Oh man am I glad to see you… :lol

Back to smashing plutoniums and wiggalliums

It may take weeks for the first particles to collide :ohnoes

judging by the people i see in the picture i dont trust this thing even more

I <3 HalfLife