Interesting article re: brake clean

buddy fwd me this- thought i’d share

damn… that’s pretty crazy.

That’s why I only use non-chlorinated solvents

thanks for the info! now off to build some WMDs and take over congress :snky:

Brake clean is nasty stuff.

A wise man once told me it only takes 1 drop to ruin 5 quarts of oil. That’s why you shouldn’t clean porous aluminum parts with it.

whoa. thanks for posting that… sometimes you forget how dangerous all that cleaning crap can be.

Pretty crazy. Even crazier the dumbass waited 9 days to go see a Dr.


Surprised he didnt sue the brake clean company…

I think more than anything I’m surprised how easy it is to make a chemical weapon that was widely used in WWI.

i twas on the warning label…

that’s pretty intense / scary

lol word. :mamoru:

So, I should not be using brake cleaner as a hand cleaner?

It will stop insects almost instantly,great for bees and wasps.

eesh, stuff we use contanes Hexane, Methyl and Ethyl alchols… wonder how bad that is for me to drink.

I think Easy Off Oven Cleaner is even worst then brake cleaner. I got one wiff of that shit while getting the paint off my rims and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I would never even think about using that stuff to clean something that I cook food out of.

interesting story,

my buddy and I when we were younger decided to have a spray can war.

I picked up WD-40 and he picked up Brakekleen.

I turned a corner in the shop and he sprayed me, directly in the eyes.

Words cannot express the amount of pain I was in. It felt like someone cut my retinas with a razor blade.

That is something I don’t think I would EVER admit to doing. :banghead:

yeah break clean is some nasty stuff i used to use it to clean my hands and now i kinda have some pretty bad skin dammage on my fingers they crack and never heal it sucks.