doesn’t tell you a whole lot, but kinda neat.
Pretty cool…humm my company does about 700 million in sales every year…how about sharing the wealth…haha
Thats cool. My parent company does 9 Billion dollars in sales. Damn
Not too accurate with where I work. Of course, it’s privately held.
SAme here, the person they list as the GM left about 5 years back…
Yeah. They estimated our total employees at 19. There’s actually almost 80.
Looked up the largest Beer Distributor For pittsburgh ( frank Fuhrer )
$42 million :eek:
Slowboy Racing $6 million
OC pool management is still flying below the radar…
if manta cant find me maybe the IRS cant either.
The IRS will always find a business owner they perceive you owe them money. The trick is to make them not perceive that situation and have proper documentation to back it up?
Good old Frank B fuhrer. i believe wilson mginley is the second largest one in pa and its right down the strip district.
it appears as though they are guessing a lot…
yessum… cause pittspeed is not even listed. we did 1 billion in gross sales last year.