Pittspeed.com worth $17K


found this website from another forum and u type in the address of a site and they estimate how much its worth!! lol

pittspeed.com is $17,204

for those of you that know the history, autorush.com is worth 3,771

i know this is inaccurate, but still funny to see

sweet…i typed in ls1.com and it was $112K…google is 258 mil

www.1st-try.com is worth
$1796.00 :rofl:
good find never really thought of value of website

you guy have no clue how much server space is listed and supplied with that 17 k price,

hell id say 50.k

I am mesing with this and cant find anything close to google

woohoo! my site is worth $1,188. Who wants to buy it? :x:


Sweet my web site is worth $24,000 :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



BS we all know Whitey is rolling in money from this site. How do you think he bought the USX building and rents it out with Bobby.



your still here??


I just checked the value of pittspeed.com and its up to 22k

that’s cause your online with the million dollar civic

Hey were trying to keep that on the DL, Thank you.

yup sorry to disapoint you. :itr41:


** but atleast someone on here is adding to this site in a positive way…that’s right ME :tounge:

oh noes… she didnt… :rofl:

^that ass is priceless

Starboy’s ass?