Interesting Question...

I’d just assume most guys would not report the girl because they would be ashamed or embarrassed that a “girl” over powered them and completed this act.

arousal does not = consent

Some episode of csi or something.

lol. guys, what if a fat ugly chick drugged you and raped you and left u with the HIV. also, some guys have sex with chicks that they dont mean to. everyone should admit, theyve been with a fatty, it happens.

if i got drugged and raped by a fat chick i would def. report that shit.

if i got raped by a dude i dont know what i would do, ide prolly report him since he will most likely be torn apart in prison.

A very interesting question, and really something that just does not come up in society as a whole.

To be raped by another guy it would be extremely awkward, and as much as I want to say hey I’m a badass and am going to kick his ass. Chances are he had to be pretty tough. Killing is out of the question, and the embarrassment that would follow by trying to report it would be too much. Chances are I would do nothing, or very little.

If it was a woman a majority of guys are along the lines of “Omg, vagina plz”, I don’t think it would be possible to actually get away with reporting it for the above reason as most people would laugh upon hearing that myself included. So again I would have to go with nothing it just wouldn’t work given our society in so many ways.

OK, if i was raped by a guy, Id report it, than extract vigilante justice

If raped by a girl, meh.

what about drug rape?

what if a chick gave u a ruffee?

Say you and a few buddys go camping. You’re having a good time, throwin back some steveweisers, and you get carried away and get really dring and pass out. Then you wake up in the morning and your ass is just killin. You reach back and pull a condom out of your ass…would you tell anybody?

If not…you wanna go camping? :wink:

If a man is raped by a woman, it is assumed that the woman is not sexually attractive. If she were, then he’d be “semi” willful.

With that being said, if I were raped by a broad I would simply beat her in & about the uterus and cervix until she passed out.

Pretty much the same thing would occur if raped by a man.

I’d report it in both cases. If You dont report it, you are only helping that person potentially rape another.


if it was a guy…i would kill him.

it is impossable for a girl to rape me because you cant rape the willing :stuck_out_tongue:



I agree except that if the girl is a nasty bitch…

Heres a point, if you were raped and came to and beat the shit out of the girl, she’s going to report you to the police for brutality. You explain she raped you, and you lose because they never will believe you were raped.

So thus showing females win in this case, which ultimately I can imagine was Dawn’s point haha