Interesting Read about Origin of Islam


So none of it is true or MAKES SENSE?

Figures people on here cant find value in what ir read without making up stupid exuses to dismiss it. Who cares what the source is… that doesnt make the text untrue by default. That kind of reasoning is ignorant.


Why am I so caught by surprise that one who proclaims that the entire people of the Buffalo region are “trash” would be spreading hate against an entire religious group? I guess it makes sense.

But yes, as always, it is us not you. You’ll have to excuse our ignorance. By being shut away in this trashy little town and having never been anywhere to learn anything for ourselves, we cannot think for ourselves. Thus, we immediately dismiss hateful writing from an anti-religious website as likely untruthful and not worth reading.

I disagree with what you have presented.

Their religious beliefs point to the root cause of terrorism.

This is the ultimate conclusion of the text you have presented, is it not?

Thanks to my own learning, reading, life experiences, and free thought, I believe that religions are fundamentally good. I also believe that people are fundamentally good. I also believe that there are misguided, confused, and hurt people who bastardize good things like religion in the name of things like violence. PEOPLE do this. Regular, fallible, imperfect, normal people. I believe that if you take away religion, people will find something else to justify their violence. Further, if you take away religion, all those who benefit from the morality of religion’s fundamental teachings will be lost.

My indignation at what you have posted, in part based on the source, is not a result of my own ignorance, nor my own stupidity, nor my own willingness or lack thereof to consider alternate views. It is the result of my own thought.