Letter from Iran

tooooooo many words and not enough pictures.

WTF??? It’s 18 pages of rambling…

I saw 2 things in my skimming.

  1. whoever does their translations needs to brush up on english
  2. it is all bullshit to make the US look bad.

I know many marines that would love to go to Iran and get that crazy fuck out of power.

PS- the US doesn’t want a world nation and God will never rule over the earth if he would have brushed up on something other than morning chants and bowing to mecca he would have known that.

I’m begining to think that these Muslims are going to be nothing but trouble in the future and maybe it’s time for another crusade. I’m appalled at the thought of Hitler killing Jews but I don’t think I’d bat an eye at the extinction of these radical bastards.

so we should kill all Americans because of the acts of Timothy McVeigh? A culture cannot be judged in whole on a small, radical segment of its population.

WOW… I’m impressed and I agree with that.

I think we need to eliminate the radicals. Not the muslims.

but america condemned and shunned mcvey. islam does not shun suicide bombers and terrorist, it openly applauds and encourages them

That is not true… there was thing on TV about that. It is the radicals interpretation of the Koran (sp) that is causeing the suicide bombers and the terroroists. The Koran itself does not promote violence… in any way.

They could be reading our Bible and interpretting it somehow. Just like those nuts that are protesting the soldiers funerals saying the Bible told them that we are all bad because our country supports gay marriage… or whatever lunacies they are preaching.

in theory islam is very peaceful, but in practice it’s not. the leaders of the religion are from the middle east, heck the countries over there are religious countries ran by religious laws.

i’ve never ever ever ever ever heard even one religious or religious state leader speak out against the violence and terrorism. i’ve never heard a US muslim group speak out against terrorism. i’ve heard iran and palestine ask for more violence against jews, whites, christians, and americans on more than one occastion and very publicly there was NO misunderstanding or reading into it.

the vocal few that preach ultra right shit are quickly put down by not only other americans but also ppl within their same religion or denomination or political party. al jeezera and killing is celebrated in the ME. fuck, throw iraq out… iran and palestinians alone spew so much hate i can’t stand to listen for more than a minute.

There have been a few Muslim groups in america that have come out. Not much of the press will cover this though.


wow, you’re usually not one to spit such mindless ignorance

ignorance involves ignoring facts :dunno: did i misunderstand how america found mcveigh guilty, stripped him of all freedom and killed him? (libertarian i mite add)

islam not only puts out hits and declares jihads… it kills its own members sunis, shias, etc they all want to mess each other up. every religions tenaments are built on peace. when a sect gets too out there, they’re cut off by the main faction and considered a cult… except in islam where they’ve taken power and became the majority. to say the religion isn’t tainted when the leaders of the religion & religious states clearly are is ignorant.

a new holocaust (since the last one didn’t happen according to iran), gaza strip, 6 days war, blah blah blah blah… never once has even a “my bad” been uttered from any leader of a mosque, let alone a relgious state. i don’t expect peace or common sence from that shit sty (the middle east) in my lifetime but until i see at the very least some human sympathy all statements and actions will be viewed with skepticism.

i’ve seen the numbers first hand… all this hate and violence AND WE PAY THESE FUCKERS OUT THE NOSE, and not just in oil. our government pays off these dudes left and right and they’re still this violent. what would they be like if we weren’t big and bad and didn’t pay them off.

thats like saying christians kill each other just because of the protestant vs catholic stuff thats going on in ireland. you can’t judge an entire religion based on what you see in the media and the actions of muslims in one country (iraq). it’s a very peaceful religion, but you don’t hear about that part of it because the media only focuses on the violence and the super religious fundamentalist groups that support terrorism.

I guess you have never watched any arab TV?