Internet Sex Predators - NBC NOW!!!!

LOL @ sarcastic jay!

BTW, its on again tonight, twice. I’ll be there with my “Pedos R #1” foam finger laughing it up.

I already set my DVR before i left today. I have the air popper ready to go and a tum of i cant believe its not butter ready for melting!

Oh now how’s that for egocentric thought…

If you mean to say that I am only considering my own feelings and disregarding those of the pedophiles, then you are correct.

As far as I am concerned, when you start targeting little kids, its open season. I care not for rehab because it rarely works.

You’re not exactly in the same group of people as the pedophiles.

I should hope not.

I didn’t miss your point at all. I actually almost agree with most of what you’re saying. You just didn’t understand what I was trying to say in the beginning and tried to make me look silly by twisting around my words. oh man! is this a FORUM?

Stop trying to find a cause to fight for. Wow. Are you trying to tell me to be like you? Like most apathetic typical Americans? No way.


Thank you!!

Oh man a friend of mine showed me a couple of these episodes last week I think they are absolutely hilarious.

The one where the dude is naked and the guy walks through the door and is like “what do you think your doing?” thats great and so is the one where the girl pretends to be in the kitchen while talking to the guy eating cookies in the dining room. She asks him if he brought along alcohol, condoms etc and the dateline guy walks through the door and is like “so sounds like you have a pretty good night planned” and the predator just kind of nods with a mouth full of cookie.

I wouldent spit out cookie cause i was cought kid touching…

I liked the guy last week who claimed he was going to the beach. Then they confronted him with his internet chat and he got all pissed, threw the cookie down and said “You know, I don’t want this cookie anymore!”

I still havent seen the show but everyone is talking about it. And in the morning S&R play clips from the show, the confrontations sound funny as hell.

LOL so funny!! we should start a dateline watching club!

Are you watching? Its on right now!

^ That shirt is funny…I bet a guy gets busted wearing one of those at some point.

im watching it now…these guys are sick
talk about a good way to catch a large group of pedifiles

It would almost be worth getting caught to be on the show with that shirt on! Whose gonna be man enough to do it??

And yes im watchin.

HAHAHA He just said to the naked dude. “you’re here for a 14 year old girl, you’re naked, chasing a cat and you’ve got cook whip”… That is comedy gold!

that was so hilarious LOL

Don’t suppose anyone recorded this, sounds so damned funny. :o