That’s right folks, instead of wasting your time to comb the internet for cool news tidbits to post, we are bringing all the news you can handle via RSS feeds here, so NYSpeed can now be your one stop shop for all the news you are interested in. Check out the news subforum (in Gen Auto), add your comments to the news threads, and debate what’s hot or not, cool or crap, etc. etc.

If you know of any RSS news feeds you want to see added, or have any other feedback regarding this new feature, post up in Suggestions or PM myself or any other mod.

its kinda nice, but when all the news is about lame cars not even sold in the states, its rather meh…

The title’s by Gary Gnu is a little ambiguous. For example “NEWS: Logan’s Run”, I got excited for a modern remake of the classic. But seriously Gary could take the time, actually read the article, and actually put more information in the title and in the thread. Instead we have to click on the thread and then click on the link to find out what the thread is exactly about. Spending 30 seconds to cut and paste the beef of the article and a couple relavent pics from the article separates the non lazy from the quick post makers.

Gary is software (hence the GNU in the name). It probably doesn’t post the whole article because of possible copyright issues.

no he is for real, and i guess there is no santa?------ bully.

Unfortunately that his how RSS feeds work. Due to copyright and other issues, that is the best we can do. If the people writing the news title their stories the way they do, we can’t change that.

i like the news. but i’m mad i can’t say something to hurt gary’s feelings.

secondly, each time i see this i think it says AUTOMOTIVE NWS section. And i feel a little twinge of excitement at the thought of seeing hot chicks getting boned by hot guys on hot cars in hot weather.

what he said.


Talk about annoying when I hit the new posts button and half of them are the stupid bot, with zero responses, with half of them being pay to view links. If something was important enough to be “News” someone will post it here. Oh yeah, and half of his shit is reposts, sometimes reposts of himself. Just turn the damn bot off.

I agree, where is gary gnu anyways? All his news is from the UK

Or hook him up to a better feed, if possible.

Death to Gary Gnu!

word to the geek squad

she/he has feelings too.

Gary has yet to reply to my PM’s.


Gary Gnu FTL!!!

Yeah, that whole RSS-feeds subforum is kind of a waste of bandwidth…


Can he be IL’ed?

In for the ban