News Section

We are almost ready to implement a new feature for automotive news. Instead of going all over the place to find stuff, we can bring everything here so you can get all the latest industry news in one stop. This would be news about manufacturers that you the NYSpeed member may be interested in, general industry stuff, even motorsports if you want.

How would you like to see auto news displayed?

Vote and discuss.

i like a subsection of gen auto… keep it organized

if you can’t discuss it, no one will read it…

You never know, that’s why the poll is there. I highly doubt the non-discussion option will get a vote, but I figured I’d put it up there anyway.



You go to some forums and there is a section for everything and it’s slightly overwhelming at first. The thought of ‘keeping it simple’ comes to mind.

But in this circumstance, I believe it’d be a good upgrade. I voted for it’s own subsection. But would mods be the only one to create threads here? I can see a lot of forthcoming ‘moved’ threads, such as the “New Scooby Design Official!” etc.

Where is the poll option that merges all relevant posts into the same thread?

Or is there some reason that 126 separate threads needs to be created when a concept car gets drawn, then when a “spy” shot comes out, then when it shows up to an autoshow, then when it arrives by boat, then when it goes on sale, then when someone sees it in a dealer lot…


Why not create one sticky for each major brand, like STICKY"The latest from Subaru" and then when the latest version of the new peice of oragami shows up the thread gets bumped?


It will be setup so that people can post to any existing threads.

Not going to do much moving, just encourage everyone to checkout the news section for now, we’ll see how it goes.

It will make more sense when you actually see it.

That would be difficult to implement due to how RSS feeds work.

Once we roll things out, we’ll see how it goes and make the minor adjustments from there. It may not be as big of a problem.

I definetly like the archive idea the best. Keep it facts or published articles and no debate and drama.

But I also feel there are some things that deserve duscussion.

So something along the best of those worlds would be ideal.

Maybe archive the article and possibly attach a discussion thread to each article?? That way you could read the article or news for what it is and if you want to get involved…then you can do that as well.

NEWS flag

u dont want bare subforums