Automotive News Forum

First off - if you’re not going to take the time to read about the mechanics of this idea, do not post in this thread. I’m not making the suggestion of simply adding a new section to the site.

Automotive news happens every day. The industry is huge and effects us all because we all need automobiles. But most of us don’t hear about it form this site. We’ll catch a 5 second clip on CNN or cross-post from another forum. There are a few sources for this type of news out there, but they don’t have the medium of discussion we have here.

What I propose is that we designate at least 2 people as “NYSpeed Reporters” who take 5 minutes out of their day to read up on any news that is automotive related, and post this news in the Automotive News section. I suggest two people since, as we all know, no one has an un-biased opinion. These two people should have different points of view, and should have the social ability to present this information with an open mind and expect a logical argument from the other. Those without reading comprehension skills and those without the ability to debate with facts without resorting to flaming need not apply.

These reporters would be the only ones allowed to start threads in the Auto News forum, but any member could respond to the thread. This would keep it balanced between the 2 reporters points-of-view and limit reposts. This obviously means that the two reporters should each represent a majority opinion (similar to our republican / democrat 2 party political system) and should probably be voted upon by the NYSpeed members. To make things even more interesting, they could be two forum rivals who would be motivated to post based on this rivalry.

Not all news is debatable, but should still be posted for discussion.

The reporters would need to agree on a format for the posts including a link to the source, highlighted segments from the news (not just a copy of the entire article, etc.) and an area for their own interpretation.

Potential topics that the reporters could report on;

Industry trends
Manufacturer outlooks
New State / Federal automotive laws

Motorsports news would still be posted in the Motorsports forum.

It’s just an idea, but I’d love to log onto NYSpeed and read two people debate automotive news from different points of view. I believe with the right two “reporters”, this could be accomplished :tup:

I already suggested this earlier, but as part of a “front page” for the forum type deal. I think it would be a good idea.

i like…stuff like unvailing at shows and stuff…new technologies…FTW

You need to get a car back so you can get out of the house more! :lol:

I do sort of like the idea, but arent u promoting drama? I mean the whole problem with internet drama is that it doesnt stay thread based, it spills over and breeds itself into other areas of the forum.

I think the general principle is good, but it would need some tuning.

i think this would be a good idea and i don’t think it would promote drama because the news the would be providing would be stuff like “ford anounces devlopement of new yamaha V8 but cancles devlopment when project was 85% complete…”

I say do it.

yea i think thats a pretty good idea :tup: i do have a feeling tho it could lead to some biased opinions :stuck_out_tongue: but it could work

goober should be one, IMO - he’s always digging up stuff. camarojoe would be another good one as well. FWIW :tup:

i nominate redgoober. he seems to be on top of a lot of the newest automotive releases

I think its a good idea, but as we talked about before I think it would be better to have people who are unbiased. They exist as I am one of them and i know there are others.

I like your idea Josh

perhaps 3 people are needed… kind of a trifecta… a triple threat…

we need “the bandit”
“johnny tran”
and “some unbiased fence sitting wuss”

just playin…

if you don’t get it I will make it simple:
one person digs for domestics
one digs for imports
one tries to find information on anything automotive related…

Whooooo will volunteer tho?


not it!

I might be interested in filling the position, i think its an awesome idea actually and i spend plenty of time on the internet searching around. lemme know if u would like to go for a trial on the idea or something

EDIT: maybe we can designate certain ppl to certain types of auto news. Like one person for cnn, fox, and other strictly news station site information and other ppl for other sources, that way u know that all of the automotive news is being covered by a specific person, that could eliminate the same two ppl searching the same sites.

I also might be interested, but as you know i’m not really biased in any direction. I guess it depends on how involved the threads have to be and what specific tasks are involved in posting the news.

Do we pretty much just post the clip from the news and add a few words to spark discussion? I would have time to do that most days.

or is it supposed to be entirely in our own words?

would the reporters be mods for their section?

No. There wouldn’t be a section. You would just submit the news.

so are we submitting a link with our opinion or are we writing articles?

both. Or either. I think?

cool, so lets give this a shot