Looking for people...

Hey guys, I’m looking for some people to help me out with a project. If your interested in writing or photography (on the topic of automotive of course) then you’ll definitely be interested. Here are the positions I’m looking to get filled:


  • responsible for writing tech articles and doing features.

News reporters

  • responsible for reporting on automotive related news, and also covering events.


  • responsible for doing interviews with figures in the automotive industry, whether this is over the phone, in person (local only) or online.

Those interested in the writing positions I’d like to see a quick 150 word sample on the topic of anything just to get an idea of your writing style.

All the positions are currently not-paid, but this could potentially turn into a paid position. However here are some of the benefits you’ll receive right away:

  • free e-mail account.
  • gain experience writing and get some referencing.
  • network with people in the automotive industry.
  • free swag from sponsors, and awesome deals as well.

I can provide more info, just ask preferably through PM.

There are very few people on this forum that are sufficiently literate to make a 12 word post, much less a 150 word article.