Introducing the NYSpeed Volume 1 DVD


Where were you? lol

and seeing as how I can’t edit, I’m there every afternoon pwnin noobs

Bad Ass :tup: I’ll be there if I can.

am i in it? lol

You’re in it, but only as long as relative to the total time your car wasn’t broken last year :wink:


Well seeing my car came out in the beginning of April and went out in the beginning of September id say it was pretty much out the whole summer :bloated: lol

awsome bro. cant wait to see it.

So I should have the defective / missing disks taken care of by this week… I hope.

And expect a meet post soon with more details of the release party :tup:

Ok, thanks Josh, I’m in.

i’m so excited. i don’t see how this is going to be anything but a great time. either i’m going to take advantage of the open bar and get hammered and ride home with jam. or jam will take advantage of the open bar and i’ll drive his e30 home. either way, i have a semi-safe ride home, a copy of the dvd, and a great time assured to me.

Click HERE for more details on the DVD Release Party

im 100% in and want a dvd…

ill be there

and i love the extra a sherm story :wink:


ill be there… nice job setting all this up cant wait for the dvd, hope im in it, but probly not… neon vs red civic si???

I’d be there but alas, track day @ the glen :wink:

No go on the party for me, but I def would like a copy of the dvd.

Copies went out today for those who are too far away to make the release party. Check you’re mail the next few days :tup:

ill be there i definatly want a copy

i requested a dvd a few days ago and josh already got it out to cali, big :tup: to that. thanks man!