InYourFace518 lika da way my dick taste

Yes, I do. Its sad because theres more than one desperate man like yourself who is willing to fuck my whore of a mother that looks like a man while having it video taped.

What? Where the fuck did monkeys come from?

Let your fagtag buddy stand up for his own existence:lol:lol:lol

I don’t know. But I seriously have no idea how he has a woman… unless its actually Travis like I had previously suggested.

I get more ass than your toilet seat bitch

Here’s a hint. The, “woman” he “has” is quite probably a blowup doll…

Yes. I know. Because you’re a homosexual. You enjoy ass.

Ok there Cliff Jr.

So what you’re saying is you get ass from your horses and goats out back.

Your such a good boyfriend to him. You really stick up for your man. You guys should get married when they legalize it. You would make a good couple.
Couple of fags that is.

He called you gay! That’s a new one!

fuck. You win man. Sorry for telling you that your girlfriend is a cheating whore.

Brb guys, I’m going to go do donuts and burnouts in my shitty V6 Camaro.

You guys should call yourselves Shaft518. Cause you play with each others shaft. That’s why you guys needed a new lot. So you can hide how much you all suck down each others loads. BTW the new burnouts look great in the new lot. HAHHAHA enjoy

Will you meet me so we can fight?


Sit the fuck down. Your no match. I have wooped homo’s like you before.

Meet me on lark street near trinity church. We’ll walk to the park and throw down homie.

And here… we… go.

i’ll have your girlfriends underwear over my face so you’ll know what I look like.