iPad Air vs iPad 2

I saw the mini vs. full size thread, but didn’t see one on these ones. I went through the specs to see the Air looks lighter, better pixels/display, has Siri, different charging plug, better camera and a faster chip. All this for $100 more. Sooooo is it worth it to spend the extra $100? Should I wait for an upcoming price drop (is there even one?) Help me out nerds of NYSPEED, I need to scoop one of these up.

I wouldn’t buy the iPad 2 at this point.

Apple is moving towards 64bit processors like the one in the Air and its only a matter of time before they phase out 32 bit.

You also get a lot more for $100

As far as the price drop idk? maybe it goes down after the holidays? Apple doesn’t move that much on prices from my experience until a new model comes out.

I’m leaning more towards the Air at this point. I’m going to buy it through my business so it’s not a big deal to spend a little more, but just wanted to see if there was anything I should know.

Air all day, would you go buy a 3 year old lap top from best buy

Buying the ipad 2 at this point is really just silly, I think Apple should have killed it last update and sold the 4th gen at that price point. Ipad Air or Mini Retina are the only smart consumer choices to buy at this point.

      • Updated - - -

Plus iOS7 today runs slow on a ipad2, it is only going to get worse.

The problem there is Apple knew too many people would pick the 4th gen over the Air to save money. The 4th gen is still really fast and it has the same resolution display. The air is lighter and 64bit but almost nothing takes advantage of the 64bit architecture yet.