[iPhone] 35,000 text messages per month?

justine is that girl on justin.tv
she is sometimes live on http://www.justin.tv/ijustine

People keep asking me how I can possibly text that much?! 28k to 35k was usually my average with Sprint, so I really didn’t expect much less from AT&T. Two of the main factors of that large text usage is Facebook mobile and twitter.
• Rarely do I visit Facebook’s actual site. I can reply to messages, write on walls, add friends and even poke them with a simple text message!
• With twitter, I stay in contact with friends all over the map. It’s my main news source as well! Follow the right people, and you won’t need to go anywhere else.
• With iPhone’s iChat like interface for SMS, it’s much easier to carry on an entire conversation (especially with other iPhone users).
In addition, of the 900 minutes allotted to my account… I only used 200! Texting and email is my main form of communication, and I know I’m not alone. Why call when you can text?
