Cell phone data/text usage per month?

This came up on another forum.

How much cell phone data do you use per month without tethering to your laptop and how many text message do you use?

It’s been two weeks into my plan and I have used 2120 text messages and 1.98GB of data.

im good for about 1k text a month

1836 text

doesnt count BB messenger, which is another 1k easy

2.8 mb

19 minutes :mamoru:

cycle ends on the 3rd

im at roughly 2500 texts a month and im not a data user.

1700 texts

when my work bought me a cell, they put me on a 500 txt per month package.

I was unaware of this and sent about 7300 texts. The bill was over 1000 dollars. HA. After that they put me on unlimited.

200 texts plan - near 1gb in data.


ive sent about 800 txt messages in the last few days,

i havnt been txting as much as i used to

Im usually close to 2000 texts and 500 Peak minutes.

But once the G1 drops, that will be a whole new number lol.

phone model != more texting.

or at least it shouldnt.

It does when you have been reduced to t9 for the last 2 months due to a broken data phone phone:(

200 minutes, 693 texts, 155324 kb data.

I hate texting. I have unlimited but I’m not even sure how many I use. Maybe 400…

I just got my daughter a phone and wisely opted for the unlimited texting. These kids piss me off with all the texting. I have literally walked into a room where 3 of them are texting each other grrr…

Type / Allowance / Used / Cost per / Total Cost

SharePlan minutes 450 559 – –
Promotional minutes 17 – –
IN Calling minutes unlimited 912 – –
Night/Weekend minutes 431 – –
Long Distance - Verizon Wireless .50
Total Voice .50
Unlimited IN TXT messages unlimited 302 – –
Unlimited IN PIX-FLIX messages unlimited 3 – –
TXT/PIX-FLIX messages 500 357 – –
Kilobyte Usage kilobytes unlimited 22,001 – –
BroadbandAccess Connect kilobytes unlimited 2,159,128

lol - broadband access …

Work picks up the tab.

Unlimited data.
Unlimited text.

No clue.

dunno how much data i use but i’m sure its a lot lol, i even get some torrents over my phone’s connection

texts…a bunch, have no idea

min: 350ish/mo

work pays for 1/2, have unlimited text/data

cycle started last week… at 659 sent, 644 received. I have unlimited so i never really pay attention to that… i guess i text a lot.