have a VZW PDA phone? have unlimited data?

get 2000 txt msg’s free

i dont have a pda phone to confirm this though


Jeff, I don’t have a pda but I do have the V. I know that unlimited intraweb is available to me for $5 per month, so i’m assuming thats what you mean by unlimited data right?

I think you have my number still, its the 432 one so call me if you find out anything more about this.

unfortunately this isnt what im talking about. the unlimited data package is generally a $45 feature someone would have with a treo of PPC phone. what you are talking about is the mobile web feature, which is internet on your phone.

i have a ppc but im not on the data plan cause $40 a month is retarded. i pay $10 a month for unlimited txt and picture but it confuses me on how to send pictures cause it always wants to connect to the data service?

if you want to check it the service let me know to see if its true.

im not that versed at all in pda phones and how they function. a better person to ask in this category might be zwarbyt, howie, or rubicant, as they all have the xv6700

off topic, I wonder when verizon is going to offer unlimited texts to all providers?

i dont see it happening in the near future unless their data numbers really start dropping. however, the 1q06 earnings report came out, and once again, vzw is setting milestones for the industry with churn rate, new add ons, and overal profit.

as much as i love my company, and really do believe in the service, with the numbers they are doing right now, nothing is going to change.

I just called this in and it worked… haha replaced my unlimited in + 500 other carrier for 10/month with the 2000 txt and added 20 MMS for 2.99.

It is just like they said tho, they deny it exists until you throw the exact name in “PDA SMS 2000 Allowance” and say you saw it on the website, they came back and said they added it. :tup:

oh shit, I just did it too

Fucking evolve is da man


Just did it, good eye, Jeff!! Thanks!