iPhone Equipped Passenger Takes On Flight Crew Over Weather


There is nothing wrong with the iPhone. Its a great piece of technology.

People are the problem.
There are so many ignorant simpletons out there that see everything through the narrow peephole of their simple and selfish lives.

How incredably stupid must a person be to so much as even consider that they have better information when it comes to being responsible for amultimillion dollar machine and 70+ human lives.


It carries the same I am better than you montra that the mac line does.

I want to burn these fucking people ALIVE!

Oh I have an I-phone and it does this this and this omg look at me.

Big Fucking deal you egocentric Fuckstick.

The Nokia N95 8GB does just as much shit and does a helluva lot more and do you see me proposing it like its the greatest thing since sliced bread?