Iphone screen

What do u ppl use to clean it, besides the cloth that came with it, is there any liquid cleaners recommended?

Every morning I use the slightly damp towel I used when I got out of the shower. I’ve been doing the same thing with eye glasses for years.

iv got a screen protector on mine that i picked up from office depot. no scratches on it at all and the sensitivity isnt affected at all.

so u clean ur screen with that tainted dirty shower towel?

i have one also, but the screen still picks up my wop face grease :slight_smile:

I just use a damp cloth. I usually clean mine Sundays after a weekend at the bars. Gets all sticky and usually smells like beer so I need to clean it by Monday for work.

beer eh? maybe you shouldnt be watching so much porn on your itouch.:rolljerk:

Just a quick squirt of windex into a paper towel works fine for me.

sand paper :tup:

I just use whatever is around. The screen is scratch resistant so you don’t have to worry too much. The suede cloth that came with it worked great, but lost it a while ago

wont the chemicals in windex remove the coating on the screen?

rub it on your dick

cmon man, u should know ive already tried that

hmm… I didn’t think windex was that strong…

Everything seems fine so far, I guess we’ll see… lol.

ok cool, reason im asking is when i was in the apple store they had cleaners there, expensive cleaners lol

lol Shocking.

You could try eyeglass lens cleaner as well, doubt any of these cleaners would do any damage to the screen, unless you use comet or something abrasive :roflpicard:

hahahaha shit i was thinking of using steel wool, now what to do…