what do you clean with?

What do you clean your laptops with screens/base/keyboard?

I asked the broad that sold me my new aluminum macbook, she wasn’t very helpful though and just told me not to spray anything into it. (DUH)

I used iklear to clean my old ibook that had an LCD screen, but this new MB has a glass screen. Can I use the same stuff? Is there anything better to use?

School me.

:lol: What did you take 2 red pills? Do you have an apple tattoo on your ass? :rofl: Ahem, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just put a little windex on it.

put windex on a soft towel and wipe it. It won’t hurt it.

bahahaa. macfag.



windex for me…

Combined is the best method.

I have a bunch of screen wipes that do jack shit. I use a microfiber with a little bit of my sunglass cleaner.

mixture of alcohol and water



To be honest with you I have never cleaned my monitor. lol

windex has ammonia in it, not good for painted surfaces or LCD’s.
Just use a microfiber towel that is slightly damp with a little tap water.


Usually diluted vinegar… then follow it up with


Leaves me clean and smelling good

windex = VERY Bad. don’t use it on any computer monitor, even CRTS, as most of them have an anti-glare coating which is easily scratched / disolved.

Laugh as you may about iKlear but it works quit well and is cheaper than many of the hyped-up LCD products (Monster Cable’s for example). Since in often also includes several travel wipes and a couple microfiber clothes I think its a decent deal for as infrequently as I use it / how long a bottle lasts.

With a 30" monitor and a laptop I’m always cleaning my shit, I’m SO super anal about my LCDs it isn’t even funny (side note I love the new glass screen cover on the MacBook Pros as it makes it so much easier to clean them even if it shows every tiny spec of dust / smudge). Oh, and FUCKING CLIENTS STOP TRYING TO TOUCH MY SCREEN I’LL FUCKING AXE YOU

I use a damp microfiber cloth on the gloss Mac screens and use rubbing alcohol on the keyboards and iMac and Mac laptop bodies.

I don’t bother cleaning the Dell or HP towers :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t hate that i bought the iklear. my dad bought everything they recommended when i got my ibook 4 years ago.

brian you loved using my ibook.

THANK YOU! i’m just going to get some more of it, i’ve run out and wasn’t sure how to clean the glass screen.

i used to hate hate hate hate when my boss/clients would poke my LCD.