LCD monitor- displays all white?

ok guys i have a dell LCD monitor, all of a sudden it went white. Dell did send me a new one and doesn’t want the old one back. anyone have any idea what this could be ? i’m hoping to fix it and run dual monitors :slight_smile:

Are you good at soldering?

A lot of people who get the white screen with the dells claim that they’ve got a few cracked solder joints and doing a re-solder usually fixes the problem.

This happened last week to my portable GPS after about 6 months of ownership… WTF?

My mom brought me an LCD from her work doing the same thing. I took it apart, and it was totally filthy and dusty inside. I cleaned it all out, and used alcohol on some of the solder joints that looked corroded, and when i was done, it worked!

Start by taking it apart. There are maybe 6-10 screws on the back, and it just comes apart pretty easy. (Of course, make sure it isnt plugged in first…)

awsome thanks guys i’ll check it out :slight_smile:

edit- well i just rippied it appart does look a little dusty inside, the sodder’s look fine, what can i use to wipe it down with?

do i need anything special becides the cable to run a dual monitor set up?

You can use a lint free cloth and some rubbing alcohol. put the alcohol on the cloth not on the part you want to clean…

for dual monitor, you may need an extra video card. You may already have a video card that supports it… but, that is all I can think of.

Let us know how the cleaning goes… I’m hoping its as simple as that, like my monitor!

sounds great i’ll give it a try if i can find a cloth. thanks

I dont know about LCDs, but opening a CRT and poking around is dangerous as hell. The capacitors in there hold charge for up to a month and give you one hell of a shock. Be Careful when you’re poking around.

LCD’s only use high voltage to light the tube, but thats usually a seperate inverter covered in plastic. Just use some 91%+ isopropyl to clean the board up and use a magnifying glass if you need to inspect the solder joints.