dirty laptop screen

what can i use to clean it? i dont wanna eff it up lol

microfiber cloth and iKlear, Monster’s lcd/plasma/crt product, or similar.

if it’s HORRIBLY dirty you can use an alcohol pad but be careful the machine is OFF as unlike most of the store-bought cleaners, there’s a conductivity concern.

get one of those felt wiping rags for eyeglasses and laptop screens. they clean it and dont scratch it. sometimes new laptops come with them.


microfiber cloth and iKlear, Monster’s lcd/plasma/crt product, or similar.

if it’s HORRIBLY dirty you can use an alcohol pad but be careful the machine is OFF as unlike most of the store-bought cleaners, there’s a conductivity concern.


arite cool thanks, oh btw i saw you driving the 350 yesterday, the car is fucking hot!! if i could get a 26k loan itd be mine lol

50/50 mix of water and alcohol and a microfiber rag is what i use.

those screen wipes have alcohol in them as the main ingredient.

I use Lexan cleaner, found in home depot for $3/quart made by GE.

soft cloth very slightly damp.

No paper towels, its like wiping your LCD with a tree.

Microfiber would be the best but everybody doesn’t want to buy one for their screens.

I use a soft face wash cloth.