First bike ninja 250r

ROFL exactly my thoughts. I jumped on a friends 08 ninja 250 and romped it around the block for a while. I could HAMMER the gears 1-2-3 and look down only to see I am doing 45mph! lol It could honestly be the slowest machine I ever rode. I think a 250ex atv would beat it in a drag race. I even tried to dump the clutch in 1st to see if it would pull the tire, nope just went, rinnnnnnggggg-brauuuuuuuu. nothing. BUT it was fun as hell, I felt like I was riding a little dirtbike around. the 08+ with the new body style looks like a normal SS bike, and the geometry is much better too.

To the OP. Get on the bike, ride with 1 or 2 other experienced riders first. put at least 2kmi under your belt before you go mucking around with a pack of riders. Dont fuck around with wheelies. I dont care if you can do them all day long on a dirt bike. just ride it to ride it. The way your typing here, it doesn’t sound like you’re much older than 18, just take it easy man.

I am 27 and have been riding dirtbikes/atv/sleds everything since I was little too. I race MX and hang lap after lap with expert pro/am riders, so i thought I was the man too. I push my self all the time on my street bike, but the one time I was pussy footing it home I went down and got hurt bad. That made me think of all the times I was knee into a turn on back roads, and what could have happened at those speeds/angles. Its really a humbling experience. I will be backing it off allot this year when I go out, and keep my “Look I have been riding for my whole life” shit for the tracks.

Also riding a dirtbike really doesn’t teach you shit when it comes to the street. Anybody can use a clutch and a twist throttle. But breaking on the streets, into or through turns, getting on the gas, off the gas feeling the suspension pitch the bike, feeling the tires grip/loose grip, EVERYTHING is much different on a street bike. A dirt bike is a wack it on and point it kind of thing where a good street rider is like watching a gymnast… its all about fluid motions.