First bike ninja 250r

yea think i might i need some one to ride with tho lol

good choice

i forgot, def take the course and try to grab the ninja 250s that they have there.

didn’t end up geting it she sold it on me look at my sig got that.

yeah, my editing was too slow

yea just need to find some people to ride with

are you or any of your parents/close relatives veterans of the armed forces?

no dont think so why?

oh. B/c the american legion Zalooga post in albany just set up the albany chapter of American Legion Riders. We are looking to get some more younger guys into the legion, and ultimately into the legion riders. I am currently the only younger guy there… lol. We have a whole bunch of rides planned for the season.

o my dad is apart of the legion in voorheesville

Honestly your best bet at first is only riding with one or two other people at a time, just starting out you don’t yet belong in a group ride. You will be a danger to your self and everyone else until you get comfortable on the bike, with your limits and riding within them.

+1 on the HVCC course, you can’t go at all wrong with it and since it counts as a defensive driving course it will give the points and ins. reduction. It also saves you from having to jump through the hoops of getting your bike to the lisc. testing area and all that bull.

Well iv road dirt bikes my whole life and have been riding a dirt bike I’m good at riding.

Unfortunately thinking that you’re “good” at riding is where you get in trouble.

Same goes for the day that you’re no longer scared of your bike.

i mean i dont think im awsome but im good and im always am going to be scared of it i fall im done

picked up my GF an 09 250R. Tops out at 94mph with me on it 170lbs, with her its about 102mph at 110lbs. So dont expect much. Can you wheelie it, umm you can attempt. Took a lot of effort but so pointless, learn how to ride. Super good starter bike.

More than enough for street and great MPG.

is her’s black ?

ROFL exactly my thoughts. I jumped on a friends 08 ninja 250 and romped it around the block for a while. I could HAMMER the gears 1-2-3 and look down only to see I am doing 45mph! lol It could honestly be the slowest machine I ever rode. I think a 250ex atv would beat it in a drag race. I even tried to dump the clutch in 1st to see if it would pull the tire, nope just went, rinnnnnnggggg-brauuuuuuuu. nothing. BUT it was fun as hell, I felt like I was riding a little dirtbike around. the 08+ with the new body style looks like a normal SS bike, and the geometry is much better too.

To the OP. Get on the bike, ride with 1 or 2 other experienced riders first. put at least 2kmi under your belt before you go mucking around with a pack of riders. Dont fuck around with wheelies. I dont care if you can do them all day long on a dirt bike. just ride it to ride it. The way your typing here, it doesn’t sound like you’re much older than 18, just take it easy man.

I am 27 and have been riding dirtbikes/atv/sleds everything since I was little too. I race MX and hang lap after lap with expert pro/am riders, so i thought I was the man too. I push my self all the time on my street bike, but the one time I was pussy footing it home I went down and got hurt bad. That made me think of all the times I was knee into a turn on back roads, and what could have happened at those speeds/angles. Its really a humbling experience. I will be backing it off allot this year when I go out, and keep my “Look I have been riding for my whole life” shit for the tracks.

Also riding a dirtbike really doesn’t teach you shit when it comes to the street. Anybody can use a clutch and a twist throttle. But breaking on the streets, into or through turns, getting on the gas, off the gas feeling the suspension pitch the bike, feeling the tires grip/loose grip, EVERYTHING is much different on a street bike. A dirt bike is a wack it on and point it kind of thing where a good street rider is like watching a gymnast… its all about fluid motions.

agreed i put more then 300 on it and like 1000 on my enduro

what do you have for an enduro? does it still have knobies on it?