
anything great about them compared to other mp3 players? i need to pic something up, scratched cds are owning me. :embarassd

i own one and love it

the prices dropped and there all photos now
also you can use it as a extra hard drive mass storage device

ipods suck. they dont have AM/Fm

get a Creative Zen Micro 5GB
Creative Zen 20GB

a lot of the ipods… the less expensive ones anyways don’t have the onscreen title display, which also lacks the folder search feature… i got a creative something or other 1 gb, it holds like 120 songs or so, am/fm, on screen display and good sound quality for like $80 6 months ago and i’m sure prices have dropped since then

marketing, availiability of accessories, aesthetics.


i stand by my MP3 CD player. Blank CDs are practically free anymore, and my Philips Discman knockoff is cheaper than any iPod.

yeah but my cds are always getting scratched so this would be like one download and that’s the end of it. they’re still a lil pricy though, prob smarter to wait till around christmas when the newer stuff comes out.


My Iriver H320 Just shit the bed tonight. thank god for extended warrenties! Im gonna get the Zen cause best buy dont have my model anymore

i just bought an ipod…so far i love it, i just need to get an external hard drive to store all of the music on. I got the ipod becuase it hooks up to my car. had it not been for that i would have probably gotten something else. I got mine at costco cause their warranties kick ass

get a ipod. (end of story)

wal-mart sells a lighter adapter for $20 that plugs into any mp3’s headphone jack and plays through the car’s speakers

darkstar sucks

the ipod wire came hardwired into my car, in the glovebox, i control the ipod through the radio

thats phat, when i get one i’ll want something like that. i use the lighter for my cell phone

why is this the end of story?

it’s the fucking same shit as any other… just because it’s a fag mac product makes it no better… mac is being sued by microshaft for stealing the technology ANYWAY… it’s all the same logic… it’s doing the same thing as any other…

all MP3 players are the same… get the one with the biggest harddrive and that’s that… i say fuck ipods.

I got one. Its white and silver. I use it at the gym. Its cool.

work bought me a tungsten t2 palm pilot, I bought a 256mb memory card and use that as my mp3 player. It is enough to get me through my 1 hour workout at the gym.