In upholding the Saddam sentence imposed Nov. 5, the Supreme Court of Appeals also affirmed death sentences for two of his co-defendants, including his half brother. And it said life imprisonment for a third was too lenient and demanded he be given the death penalty, too.
Saddam’s hanging “must be implemented within 30 days,” said Aref Shahin, chief judge of the appeals court. “From tomorrow, any day could be the day of implementation.”
Isnt hanging the lowest for of exceution they do have? I know he contested it say he would rather die by firing squad but i think that is reserved for high class criminals. Either way im sure there will be some kind of socail outrages that will happen an indanger more troops lives.
if true democracy and civality was to break out TODAY in iraq, it wouldnt truely be stable in our lifetime
look what violent TV does in this country, creates teenagers who shoot pizza deliver guys “just to feel what its like”
now imagine the effect actualy witnessing a car bombing would have on a generation … it realy imprints the idea of “of you dont agree, get your way by killing a crowd of people”
therefore, civilization will not actualy form until the first child is born AFTER the last of iraq’s current population has passed away … as that kid wont grow up with anyone around him to tell him first hand stories about the current events in iraq
p.s.- and i heard they are broadcasting it just to show the world that it really happened. Wonder how many car bombs are gonna go off that day in that area?
Ours was a war of finance. Theirs is a war of deep rooted racial hate. When we ousted Saddam we had no idea what we were getting into, or at least didn’t care.
am I the only person who envisions some rogue iraqi militia sniping the noose free and again, an iraqi version of the A-team busting up the joint just to rescue their captured leader?
and at one point war was standing in a straight line in a big open field and shoot at each other. The thought of sneaking around in the woods and shooting the enemy was concidered not “gentleman like” warfare. Japan had suicide bombings during WWII, the whole fly a plan with a bomb on it into a ship.